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Yucatan Mexico FAQs

We are thinking about retiring to the Yucatan area. Is it expensive?

By and large, life in the Yucatan Peninsula is a lot simpler than life in the United States. Thanks to this fact, things also tend to be cheaper there as well. People who choose to live in the Yucatan can expect to live on a frugal budget or could also live on a budget that is the same as they have now.

It really depends a lot on what people want to do and how they choose to live. For example, there are large grocery stores in the area, but if you want to go the more simple route, you can also save money by simply buying the more simple food items at the local outdoor market. Basically, the Yucatan is as expensive as you make it.

Where is this infamous crater that I’ve heard about?

Well, there is a reason that the crater is considered “infamous.” The reason is because there is actually no crater there. It is considered to be an invisible crater. The theory is that thanks to particles and dust found in the immediate area, scientists have been able to ascertain that this may have been the area that was hit about 65 million years ago by a miles-wide crater. One of the theories is that this crater hitting the Earth may have led to the demise of the dinosaurs.

We want to vacation in the Yucatan, but want to be able to stay in an American-type hotel. Is this possible?

Yes. Even though there are plenty of local hotels that can be nice to stay in, if you are looking for all of the accommodations that you are used to in the United States, there are some very nice American-type hotels in the country. For example, there are hotels like the Marriott in the Yucatan that feature the same kinds of things that you would expect to receive in America.

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